Introducing the Tennisnerd Podcast

Written by: Jonas Eriksson | April 14, 2020

When you are spending a lot of time at home you get time to do some work you’ve been neglecting. That is why I am introducing the Tennisnerd podcast.

There are a lot of tennis podcasts out there so why do another one? Well, few of them focus on the people working in the industry, the people behind the scenes. So the idea with the Tennisnerd podcast is to talk to people in the tennis industry, stringers, racquet companies, customizers and hitting partners. I hope this can add some value and give people a broader view of the tennis scene.

The reception for the first couple of episodes has been very good. I try to read every message and all the support means a lot to me. It keeps me going for sure. I also want to thank the people who are positive about coming on the podcast. This a selfish act in a way, because I am also learning a lot from talking to industry specialists. That is why I really love listening to podcasts on a broad range of topics, I really learn a lot from it.

Listen to it on Spotify
Listen to it on iTunes

The Tennisnerd podcast – The format

As you might have noticed from my YouTube videos, I am no expert on editing videos or sound. I did work as a radio journalist four thousand years ago, so I do have some basic skills, but that is about it. I can’t afford to hire pros or buy expensive studio equipment either, so please bear with the sometimes less-than-great audio quality. I am trying to improve all the time though.

The first episode I did was with Richard Parnell. A legendary stringer who invented his own knot. I recorded this interview with my camera and there was an AC unit in the room, which means the sound quality is not great. It is a shame because Richard is a very interesting guest with a lot of insight. I still hope you find it worth your while to listen to it! There is also a video of him stringing on YouTube.

What guests would you like to see?

Now I wonder what kind of guests you would like to see for upcoming episodes. Maybe you have some guest ideas you would like to share? Please write them in the comments below. I am trying to keep a relaxed and informal vibe through all of them, but it is always good to get feedback.

More episodes to come very soon. And don’t worry, the reviews and pro player features will keep on coming as well.

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Jonas Eriksson

Jonas has been known as "tennis nerd" mainly for his obsessing about racquets and gear. Plays this beautiful sport almost every day.