Advertising and affiliates

Yonex VCORE Pro 97 HD

Running a Tennisnerd is time-consuming and to be able to cover expenses, Tennisnerd has partnered with a number of tennis companies, so-called affiliates. This means that if you buy tennis gear through one of the links on this website, we get a tiny slice in commission. In reality, this is pretty much peanuts, but at least it’s something.

If you want to suggest a partnership or buy ad space, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Support Tennisnerd!

You can buy racquets (or something else) with any of these affiliates and a small commission goes to Tennisnerd. You can also buy a Tennisnerd t-shirt. Another way of supporting Tennisnerd is becoming a patron where you will get exclusive content every week.

Buy tennis gear and products from our affiliates:

Tennis Warehouse (US)
Tennis Warehouse Europe (EU)
Tennis Only (AUS)
Functional TennisThe Match Journal and the Tennis Pointer
Angell Tennis – Custom tennis racquets
Martin Method Tennis Fitness – Online fitness courses