After selling of most of my racquet collection over the years, I’m back to acquiring some interesting racquets again. Below is a couple from my Vintage tennis racquet collection! Let me know what you think of them.
Why not take out an old school racquet to the court once in a while? It will make you really focus on that small sweet spot and the heft of the racquet might make you really hit clean and focus on your full body technique and not just arming the ball. It’s also a lot of fun! Why not arrange a vintage racquet only tournament at your club or between friends? I’m sure you’ll see rallies you never see with your ordinary racquets! Here are some racquets in my vintage tennis racquet collection:
Vintage Tennis Racquet Collection – Babolat Classic Lite XL
Babolat Classic Lite XL (not really that vintage but since it’s just for collecting…I included it).
Don’t know too much about this racquet. It’s a light-weight version of the Pure Drive in extended format. I really like the Pure Drive original paint job so to me it looks pretty cool. It has never been played with however.
Vintage Tennis Racquet Collection – Snauwaert Hi-Ten 30
A very hard to find racquet for the spin enthusiast. 12×13 string pattern and really thick strings! This is currently in Sweden so will have to wait to hit with it.
Vintage Tennis Racquet Collection – HEAD Arthur Ashe Competition 2
This is the racquet Arthur Ashe won Wimbledon with in 1975. Mint condition and just a nice throwback to the past. Worth watching the commercial for this racquet below! Gotta love the 70s…
Vintage Tennis Racquet Collection -Bancroft Bjorn Borg Autograph
This racquet is another blast from the past that has hardly been used. Comes with the Zephyr Press calm in beautiful stainless steel. Really beautiful raccquet to look at. Have yet to it with it though.
What do you think of the vintage racquets? Do you have any at home? Do you ever use them? Please comment below!
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Here is a great racquet buying guide to get you started.
What tennis racquet should I buy?
Top tennis racquets to buy right now
The Gear of the Year 2017
The Gear of the Year 2016
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ha, I just put some new strings on my Yonex Carbonex 8. I was very glad with this stick back in the mid 80’s. Can’t wait to try it again
I have questions. Please email me back.
Did so! Cheers / J
I saw the link to this page on facebook. I own a lot of 10 vintage racquets and I’m willing to sell them.
This lot contains really interesting pieces such as a Wilson Jack Kramer wooden racquet, a Pro Staff, a black Donnay Borg Competition, A Slazenger and even a wooden Sportsotron Potour Challenge N°1, manufactured in NY.
Send me an email, if you’re interested.
Hi Greg,
Thanks. I replied on FB! Cheers / Jonas
I have a set of F.J. Bancroft, Pawtucket, RI tennis rackets from 1910 that I just listed for sale on Ebay. These rackets are one of the first Bancroft models
reflecting an intrusive wedge with a long hand carved handle.
They are over 100 years old and in great shape for their age.
Each racket has a legible FJ Bancroft Insignia.
Do you buy old rackets
Sometimes, but not in bulk. It depends on what it is…I don’t collect, mainly do it for reviews.
We display a collection on the walls of our family room and the centerpiece is a Henry C. Lee Co. Dreadnought Driver given to us by a neighbor.
Hello, I’m looking for a particular rare tennis racket that I am having trouble finding. It is the Wright & Ditson, Chase model (checkered or cork) racket. I’ve searched a few places several times but I suspect because of its rarity I haven’t come across one yet. Can you suggest any places where one of these rackets might be for sale? Thank you.
Hi Scott, never heard of that one. I don’t know any other places besides eBay and Stringforum, but that one seems ultra-rare. Will let you know if I find one.
I have a raquet collection consisting of over 100 raquets. Arthur Ashe comp 1 and 2, Wilson T2000,3000.4000, etc. I also have over 100 wood racquets all in playing condition, no warping, strings in playable condition WITH most of them having wood presses to keep them from warping. I am wanting to sell but don’t know where I might find a collector interested. I have used these racquets at a tennis club to hold a wood racquet tournament in the past. Any suggestions? Thank you. Wayne
Do you know what year the Wright and Dotson SS model racquet came out and value. Thanks.
Have many 1900-1980 rackets now, would like to chat about how to preserve the old 1910-1930’s racquet covers, they cover the whole racquet. Also, would be willing to swap/sell a few of the really old one’s. What is a good place to read about the values??
Sorry, I’m no collector myself, but maybe someone reads this and can give you a good reply.