Yonex Ezone Prototype Review

Written by: Jonas Eriksson | November 22, 2019

I have been testing the new Yonex Ezone prototype in the 98 and 100 sq inch head size. Here is my review of the new Yonex Ezone.

The Yonex Ezone prototype came to me in a really sweet-looking blacked-out paint job. There were no specs written on the frames, but just 98 and 100 in blue and green colors. I don’t have any way to measure stiffness ratings, but I found the following specs for the Yonex Ezone prototype on my 3-in-1 machine:

Yonex Ezone Prototype Specifications

Head sizes: 98 and 100
Weight (g): 321.7 on both (305 unstrung)
Balance (cm): 32.3 on both (6 pts HL)
Swingweight: 319 (98) and 318.5 (100)
String pattern: 16×19
String: Yonex Poly Tour Pro 1.25
String tensions: 23 and 24 kg (51 & 53 lbs)

If I would make a guess around the stiffness rating of these racquets, I would say it is around 65-66 strung. They are crisp, but not overly stiff. That being said, if you like the plush feel of the AI or DR versions, I think there is a risk you might feel that this is too stiff.

How do they play?

Most tennis nerds favorite Ezone racquet is the DR. Why? Because it had a good balance between plushness and power. When the Ezone was released many players thought it was a stop in the wrong direction, but at the same time, I know equally many who like that racquet. It is easy to generate power and spin with and does most things well. Touch shots are not as nice as with the DR and AI versions, but there is always a tradeoff with tennis racquets.

The new Ezone prototype plays closer to the Ezone than the DR version. It might be somewhere in between, but closer to the DR-side. I definitely feel it is an improvement and a progression from the Ezone. They have cleaned up the feel, which is now quite raw and direct, more towards the Xi. The power level is still pretty high, especially for the 100 sq inch version, but it is not quite in Pure Drive territory.

Who are they for?

The Yonex Ezone racquets are tailored towards player looking for power and spin, but not in an overly stiff package. To really benefit from these racquets you need a more modern style where you have no problems generating topspin. Flatter hitters would be better off with racquet such as the VCORE Pro 97 HD and that is why I personally prefer that racquet.

This new model will appeal to players who like the Ezone. This is one offers a bit better feel in my opinion and is more refined and direct. It was easy to generate power and spin and I really liked this racquet on serve, but also, a bit unexpectedly, on the slice.


The new Yonex Ezone prototypes are easy to use and work well for players who can generate topspin and harness power. They have a raw and crisp feel so get plenty of feedback on your shots. If you are a fan of the more flexible DR and AI versions, this one is stiffer and you will probably be better off staying with those racquets. But if you like the Ezone, I think this is a logical update.

I hope to be able to add more thoughts to this racquet when it is released around the time of the Australian Open 2020.

Which Ezone do you like the best and why? Please comment below.

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  1. yonex doesn’t know what made ezone dr 98 so popular.

    ezone dr 98 was the good mixture of advanced tech and classic feeling.
    It had feel of mid sized racket like Wilson tour 90.

    they had to keep 98 more like classic racket. though 100 can be made stiffer like pure drive.

  2. Luvvin’ the ‘Bruised Banana’ Jonas; don’t think I’ve ever seen one on court! #afc

  3. Just got the new Ezone 100 and played for an hour or two.
    I have been using mainly the Head Gravity pro for 6 months and the Yonex almost feels like cheating. Very easy power and nice feeling. My hitting partner was also enthusiastic. I noticed immediately the increased pace and depth from him. I would guess he added 20 km/h on average compared to his Wilson Ultra.
    Unfortunately, I forgot to remember that Yonex grip size is much larger than other rackets. I normally use grip size 3 + overgrip. The Yonex size 3 was bigger than that without overgrip. As a result, serving suffered because I couldn’t relax the grip properly. A pity because serving is probably fantastic with this racket. The stock grip is a bit slippery and it needs an overgrip so I don’t know what to do now.
    I won’t be retiring the Gravity Pro because it’s such a rewarding racket. A clean hit feels better than ***** (insert your favorite addiction). I play just for fun so I’m allowed to use many different rackets.

Jonas Eriksson

Jonas has been known as "tennis nerd" mainly for his obsessing about racquets and gear. Plays this beautiful sport almost every day.