ProKennex Ki Q+ Tour Pro 315 Racquet Review

Written by: Jonas Eriksson | November 24, 2019

ProKennex create arm-friendly racquets. Due to my recent elbow and wrist injury, I was keen to do this ProKennex Ki Q+ Tour Pro 315 racquet review.

This ProKennex Ki Q+ Tour Pro 315 racquet review couldn’t have come at a better time. After having taken some time off to nurse a wrist and elbow injury, I am more invested than ever in finding a racquet that delivers on performance but also arm-comfort. This racquet does both. But let’s look at the specs first.

ProKennex Ki Q+ Tour Pro 315 Racquet Review

Head size: 98 sq inches
Beamwidth: 19.5 mm
String pattern: 98 sq inches
Strung weight: 336.6 grams
Balance: 31.3 cm (8 pts HL)
Swingweight: 321
Strings: RS New York (25 kg / 55 lbs) + RS Lyon (24 kg / 53 lbs)

I don’t have a machine to measure the stiffness, but with the Kinetic system that is not really important for this review. You can be sure that this racquet is as arm-friendly as they come. It is generally not good to look too much at RA figures, there are a lot of other factors (layup, materials, weight, strings) that influence a racquet’s vibrations.

I think the specs of this racquet will suit a lot of players. It reminds me of the Angell K7 Red, which is a good thing.

How does it play?

The ProKennex Ki Q+ Tour Pro 315 plays with a lot more power than I expected from a racquet that is focused on arm comfort. It was easy to generate power and spin and the feel was muted and without a hint of vibrations. Some players might not like the slight lack of feedback, but that is the price to pay for this outstanding comfort level.

I think this racquet will suit a wide group of players. The swing weight is pretty much spot on at 320-ish and will give you room for some lead tape in the hoop. The stability is still good, but I personally tend to feel most at home in the upper 320s or around 330 SW.

This racquet has very few weaknesses. I loved hitting my backhand slice and attacking the net. It gave me enough power to hit a big serve and it the spin and power potential was enough to get me out of trouble when I was on defense.

Just a really well-balanced frame.


The ProKennex Ki Q+ Tour Pro 315 is a sweet frame that many players will enjoy. But let’s look at some pros and cons.

+ Best-in-class arm comfort
+ Really nice spin-potential
+ Good power level for a control-oriented frame
+ Maneueverable yet stable at the same time

(-) A bit too muted at times
(-) The grip shape might be awkward to some players (rectangular HEAD style)
(-) Personal thing, but not sure about the “racing style” paint job

All-in-all this was a very positive play-test. If you have arm problems in some form, this is a must demo, but even if you’re a hundred percent healthy, this racquet delivers a lot of good.

Video review coming next week!

Have you tried this racquet? Please comment below!

Buy the ProKennex Ki Q+ Tour Pro 315 at some of our affiliates:

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  1. Hi Jonas
    Have you tried this one in comparison to the Donnay thats supposed to be better for arm injuries?

  2. Excellent frame, agree with you in every department except about the paint job, for me is conservative and like it.
    Did you test the PK Ki+Q Tour Pro 325 18×20 (2019), different an very good too.

  3. I’m playing with PK Ki+Q Tour, not pro. Since Feb19 I played with this coming back from tennis elbow. Good news no pain whatsoever. Now I’m moving to Wilson 100 clash as I felt like I was lacking power. It’s supposedly arm friendly too. I’m hoping it’ll be great too. Have you reviewed this?
    What are the differences between the PK you reviews and mine? I think it’s mostly the weight.

Jonas Eriksson

Jonas has been known as "tennis nerd" mainly for his obsessing about racquets and gear. Plays this beautiful sport almost every day.