Dunlop CX 400 Tour Review

Written by: Jonas Eriksson | February 22, 2024

I have been enjoying this Dunlop CX 400 Tour Review for a couple of weeks. It’s a true “sleeper” racquet. Let’s get into it!

This Dunlop CX 400 Tour Review was tested with what has recently become a standard string for me, the Solinco Hyper-G Round. I usually string my racquets at 24 kg mains and 23 kg crosses (53 lbs and 51 lbs for you Americans), and this worked well in this racquet from the get-go. It doesn’t strike me as a string-sensitive racquet that plays differently depending on what strings you put in it. If you want to know more about strings, you can check out the Tennisnerd Guide to Racquets and Strings.

Specs and tech

What’s new in the Dunlop CX 400 Tour? Well, they have updated the mold adding more of a box shape below the 10/2 axis to enhance stability, control and feel. It also comes with wider cross-string spacing to enhance spin and power. Dunlop also updates the stiffness profile, adding greater flexibility on the inner part of the frame for enhanced dwell time and pocketing, while also stiffening the racket’s face for added stability and power. To help reduce harsh impact vibrations, Dunlop adds a highly elastic material (named Vibroshield) to the midsection of both the hoop and shaft. This is complemented by Sonic Core with Infinergy, a uniquely pliable material applied to the 3/9 axis of the head to boost comfort and power.

Head Size:100 in / 645 cm
Length:27in / 68,5cm
Strung Weight:318g / 11,2oz
Unstrung Weight:300g/10,6oz
Balance:33,02cm / 4 pts HL
Unstrung Balance:32cm/7 pts HL
Beam Width:23mm / 23mm / 23mm 
Composition:Sonic Core Infinergy/Graphite
Racket Colours:Red
Grip Type:Dunlop Viper Dry
String Pattern:16 Mains / 19 Crosses
Mains skip: 8T,8H

How does it play?

The techy text above is, in part, taken from the Tennis Warehouse description. However, in this case, I must say I agree with all the changes and I do feel the difference compared to the previous Dunlop CX 400 Tour. The boxy beam feels nice in hand and captures a nice blend of old-school and modern.

You get nice power with this racquet, but it does retain string bed pocketing without becoming a trampoline. The racquet feels very balanced. Maybe a 16/20 pattern would have made it even better, but I’m not sure of that as there is plenty of spin potential without the racquet being overly “launchy”.

I really enjoyed the previous racquet, but this 2024 CX 400 Tour update feels refined. They took something that was good, retooled, took a risk in changing the mold and came up with something even better.

All the players that tested this racquet with me said they could use it in a match. It was whippy and powerful on serve, stable enough on return, the string pattern was spinny but controlled, and the feel in the string bed was nice and comfortable. This is already a candidate for me for racquet of the year. I will play with it more and test it also in competitive matches. But I have been very happy using this racquet against both weaker and stronger players, while hitting and playing points.


You have to love it when a tennis company takes something that was working as it was and tries to improve it. Often you just see minor updates that feels a bit more like marketing than anything. Sometimes they are just cosmetic updates. The 2024 Dunlop CX 400 Tour improved on an already good racquet. This stick now competes (and beats, if you ask me) with racquets like the HEAD Speed MP, the Babolat Pure Strike 100 16/20, the Wilson Blade 100 V8 (I have not yet tried the V9, but it sounds like my friend Henrik is switching to it). They are all good racquets, but this has worked best for my game. My only concern would be that in matches I might find it too powerful, so I do need a little more time to see if it is my racquet for the 2024 season.

At this point it could very well be.

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  1. Hey Jonas,

    Any plans to do a full video review on the CX 400 Tour like you did on the last edition? This review is pretty glowing, but your videos usually go more in depth. Thanks for all of your content as always!

  2. Have you tried increasing the swing weight on the CX 200? It would be interesting to see how the CX 200 plays with about the same SW compared to the CX 400 Tour. I have heard a lot of good things about both of these models, but the SW of the CX 200 seems to be very low…

  3. Yes, I have tried it, it plays better then for sure, but I prefer the larger sweet spot of the 400 personally. I will go into more depth in an upcoming YT video.

  4. Hi Jonas,
    i’ve pleyed with the new strike 100 16×19 yesterday, and while it looked an ok raquet to me…speaking about feel, easyness, control, manouvrability, it didn’t give me that wow I was expecting…feels like I was not having any excitement,,,looks flat, a bit boring…
    As I want to get back to 100sq after 2 years on my tfight 300 rs, i was considering this cx400t….I did played few hours with the 2021 cx200 16/19 a bit modified at 12, and I did like it.
    Would this new cx400t a good call after the tfight? Is it more funny than the strike? I do own a nova fs as well…I d love something in the midlle of these. I’m a 4.5 /5 player one handed backhand, who used to play dunlop 25 years ago as a kid in competition.

  5. Hi Jonas.
    How would you compare this Dunlop with the Prince ATS Textreme tour, especially with 18/16 290. I guess that the CX400 tour offers a bit more control and better for flat shots while the Prince might be better for spin. What about the difference in feel department? I’m considering both rackets as a shift to 100sq after using Ezone 98 2020. Thank you

  6. Buongiorno, la sto usando la nuova Cx400 tour al posto della Head Extreme MP 2021 ma non trovo lo stesso potenziale di Spin facile con la Dunlop… Incordata 22/21 kg entrambe…un consiglio?

  7. Hallo Jonas, do you really think. , there is mold- digference? I think there is a small change in grommets!

  8. Hi Jonas , what Cx racquet do you think is the best for a flat hitter ? Dunlop CX400 Tour 2024 or 2021 (that seems to have a denser string pattern on the sweetspot area)

Jonas Eriksson

Jonas has been known as "tennis nerd" mainly for his obsessing about racquets and gear. Plays this beautiful sport almost every day.