Luxilon Element is a softer polyester, with multi-mono technology. Now they introduce a new variant: Luxilon Element Forest Green.
Luxilon Element Forest Green is meant to especially complement the Blade V8 racquets. Paired with a low-powered racquet like the Blades, it will offer a bit of extra power and a softer feel than traditional polyesters. The idea is that it will offer much better control compared to a multifilament and kind of stay in the middle of isle of multis and polys.
The string only comes in 1.30 gauge (16) at the moment. It’s the comfortable string in the Luxilon line and is derived from the predecessors, M2 Pro and M2 Plus.
Who is this string for?
If you’re a player that like to use multifilament strings, but are looking for more control and have no arm issues, I think Luxilon Element (and other softer polyester strings like Lynx Touch or Hyper-G Soft) are a good point of transition. They offer better comfort than traditional polyesters and improved control and spin potential over multifilament strings. There is a reason polyesters with lower stiffness is becoming increasingly popular on the recreational level. If you suffer from tennis elbow, I’d still recommend you to stay with a synthetic gut or multifilament string. And definitely consider a more arm-friendly racquet and of course treatment.
If you don’t have any arm issues, I personally find that Element works the best in a hybrid setup with a slightly stiffer poly like Alu Power or Alu Power Rough. But that’s because I generally like a medium stiff poly in my racquets. This is all a matter of taste of course. If you hit with a lot of spin and put pressure on the string, you might need to look for something offering more control. But if you like a softer string and want a bit more power than traditional polys, check out Luxilon Element Forest Green. I hope I get to review this string at some point.
You can buy Luxilon Element Forest Green from Wilson.
Please review and the Luxilon element black 1,28 , how this compares with the other gauges and colours!