Yes, now you can get the right string for your game with Toroline. Get a custom poly/poly hybrid through Toroline Omakase.
What is Toroline Omakase?
The whole idea with Toroline Omakase is to let Toroline, using answers from the questionnaire, choose the right poly/poly hybrid for your style, level and game style. Omakase is used in Japanese cuisine as ‘I’ll leave it up to you’.
I am happy to have a small part in consulting Toroline on this project. I really enjoy their strings and when they asked me to develop a questionnaire and a selection process for the various string hybrids, I was excited.
If you try the Toroline Omakase program, it would be great if you could give us feedback on how you like our suggestion and the strings. We aim to keep improving and developing this program. It is a unique concept in the tennis string industry and we believe it is the start of changing how players find their gear.
Toroline also offer prepackaged polyester hybrids like the choice of Karue Sell called K-Pro. We also had a fellow tennis nerd review the Toro Pro setup. If you want to try a prepackaged hybrid or string from Toroline, you can order them from the official website using the code TENNISNERD and get 20% off.
The importance of the right string
I have written endlessly about the importance of playing with a fresh string setup at the right tension. The right string is in some ways even more important than the right racquet. But the string jungle is vast and new brands and products are released all the time. We try to test and review everything and give as much of an honest and objective opinion as possible, but there is always a subjective element and heavily based on your game, your style, and your preferences.
The idea with Toroline Omakase is that you get a more custom experience and that it will be a faster road to a string setup that will work for your tennis.
The next step is to create a more custom racquet experience. This will be a bit more complicated! :)
Would love to try but £15 delivery for £19 strings?