HEAD Graphene Touch Prestige

Written by: Jonas Eriksson | November 30, 2017

HEAD is not lazying about with their recent release of the HEAD Graphene Touch Radical line-up and they’re now launching the Prestige edition of the Graphene Touch series.

I’ve reviewed and written about previous Graphene Touch racquets here:

HEAD Graphene Touch Speed
HEAD Graphene Touch Extreme
HEAD Graphene Touch Radical

The Prestige is the most classical of the HEAD racquet series, but a lot of fans of that series haven’t been too happy with the Graphene update as it’s stiffer in an effort to make them more suitable for the modern game where you need more power and spin.

Here the following racquets in the HEAD Prestige line-up and their specs:

Sadly I don’t have the RA numbers for these racquets. Will update you on that soon.

Head size: 99โ€
Weight: 305g
Beam: 21.5mm
Balance: 320mm
String pattern: 18×19
RA: 65

Head size: 93โ€
Weight: 320g
Beam: 20mm
Balance: 310mm
String pattern: 16×19
RA: 61

Head size: 95โ€
Weight: 320g
Beam: 21mm
Balance: 310mm
String pattern: 18×20
RA: 65

Head size: 95โ€
Weight: 315g
Beam: 21mm
Balance: 315mm
String pattern: 16×19
RA: 63

Below are some pics of the HEAD Graphene Touch Prestige Tour.


As you can see Marin Cilic is literally the face of these racquets. Does he use a HEAD Graphene Touch Prestige? If you’re a follower of this blog you know the answer to this question, but if you’re not check out this article for more information about Marin Cilic’s real racquet (which I used to own in the HEAD Radical MP paint job).

What do you think about the specs? Please comment below. My own personal opinion is that they’re quite interesting. I’m happy to see that they are one of the few brands who still offer a mid-size racquet and I think the 18×19 string pattern is interesting in the Tour. The specs of the MP are the most boring of them so nothing surprising there.

One concern I have about HEAD tennis is that they produce too many racquets! Radical, Instinct, Speed, Prestige and Extreme with something like four different models of each line. That’s a lot of racquets to choose from! Is there a sales strategy behind this to get people to try a lot of racquets? No matter what I think this can be quite confusing.

If you’re going to produce 20 new racquets every year or so, you need to make them cover pretty much all tastes in racquets, but with the Graphene racquets I feel it’s a lot of repetition in the specs. There should be some ultra-flexible ones in there too in various head sizes, but it seems like most racquets are 98-100 sq inches and have a stiffness around 68 strung. Do they flex differently? Well, you need to be better at informing customers about the various differences then. Right now as a consumer, I would be confused about what’s on offer in the HEAD racquet line-up.

But back to the HEAD Graphene Touch Prestige racquets. I have tried plenty of new HEAD racquets this year and I hope to also test these. If I get the chance I will of course post a review on the website.

What do you think of the HEAD Graphene Touch Prestige racquets? Please comment below!


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  1. Do you know what the stiffness ratings are? The mp looks so appealing. ‘Right in my wheelhouse’. Yet another racket to tempt me to switch :(

  2. so the “Mid” is a heavier Rev Pro?
    now it has a bit more potential…but
    They arent bringing back the PT10 type anymore? :(

    They could had done better with the Tour…often times in Head nomenclature, Tour meant “heavier” version, as if it were tour ready, etc. Now it means lightweight. sigh. There goes my hope for a re-issued PT57 :'(

    Im hoping the PRO version keeps the same MP Mold at the throat, and weight at 16×20. Guessing the S version would be the lighter version of that.

  3. The Touch Mid is a tank. It has a lower flex rating, 61, than the PP @ 63 and it feels twice as stiff, but in a good way. It returns very well, you can do OHBH picks ups from the baseline and volley back anything shot at you from a cannon.

    My only gripe is that it feels HH, even though it’s 8 pt HL. I guess layup is such.

  4. I am switching to the Prestige line.
    Which Prestige is the โ€œtruest Prestigeโ€ out of the 4 models?

    MID at 93 16×19
    MP at 95 18×20
    PRO at 95 16×19
    TOUR at 99 18×19

    I play at UTR 11+ level


Jonas Eriksson

Jonas has been known as "tennis nerd" mainly for his obsessing about racquets and gear. Plays this beautiful sport almost every day.