Wilson Pro Staff Six One 100

Written by: Jonas Eriksson | June 25, 2021

This is an interesting one for the nerds! A Wilson Pro Staff Six One 100. If you find the Six One 95 demanding, this one might be for you.

As you might know if you read/watch Tennisnerd, I’m a fan of the Wilson Six One 95. The nCode edition is my favorite, but they’re all good. That’s why I was happy to see the Six One 95 re-introduced in the Wilson Pro Labs program. Still, it’s a 332 gram unstrung (11.7 oz), 95 sq inch racquet with an 18×20 pattern, so it’s not going to be easy to use. That’s why, based on popular request, Wilson has created a 100 sq inch version of the Six One called the Wilson Pro Staff Six One 100 V13. You can check it out on Tennis Warehouse, but I will also list the specs below.

Wilson Pro Staff Six One 100 Specs

Head size: 100 in / 645.16 cm
Length: 27in / 68.58cm
Strung Weight: 11.3oz / 320g
Balance: 12.79in / 32.49cm / 6 pts HL
Swingweight: 323
Stiffness: 64
Beam Width: 22.5mm / 22.5mm / 22.5mm
Composition:Braided Graphite
Power Level:Low-Medium
Stroke Style:Medium-Full
Swing Speed:Medium-Fast
Racquet Colors:White/ Red
Grip Type:Wilson Pro Performance
String Pattern:

16 Mains / 19 Crosses
Mains skip: 8T,7H,9H
One Piece
No Shared Holes
String Tension:50-60 pounds

A few interesting things to note for the Six One 100. It includes Braid 45, which “aligns the graphite fibers at a 45 degree angle for optimal feel, pocketing and stability” similar to the new Pro Staff 97 V13. It also includes Wilson’s classic PWS (perimeter weighting system), meaning added weight at 3 and 9 for more stability, plow-through and a higher twist weight.

The pattern is more open, at 16 mains and 19 crosses. The beam is slightly thicker than the usual Six One 95 (but only half a millimeter) and the weight is far more manageable at 305g unstrung or 10.75 oz. The swing weight of the Six One 95 is usually up aroud 335+ strung, but the Six One 100 is more maneuverable at 323 measured strung swing weight.

Looking at the stiffness, it’s not something to be too worried about for players with sensitive arms. With the right string setup, 64 RA looks decently arm-friendly. A 100 sq inch head size usually expands the sweet spot enough to make sure that off-center hits are a bit more forgiving.

Wilson Pro Staff Six One 100 Review?

I definitely want to review this one. The problem right now is that it’s not available at Tennis Warehouse Europe or Wilson.com (I just find the Six One 95 Pro Labs version there). It’s a racquet I’m very curious about, so I will see if I can get my hands on it somehow. If you have tried the Six One 100, let me know how it plays in the comments below!

Ps. If you purchase this racquet or anything else using my links to Tennis Warehouse or Tennis Warehouse Europe, a small commission is sent to Tennisnerd that will help me keep creating more and better content at no cost to you. Thanks for your support. Ds.

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  1. It would be interesting to see if this is anything like a Six.One or is more of a paintjob re-issue of another model. The lowish RA does make it fairly unique in Wilson’s line-up. I see it is available at Tennis-Point, but only in grip size 1. Although, I guess two over-grips would be fine.

  2. I’ve recently got my six one 100. I’ve played with it a couple of times. I mainly use the pro staff 97 v13 and the reason I bought the six one 100 was the forgiveness a bigger head size offers. But when I play with the six one 100 I find myself missing the 97 sq. inch head. The larger head feels clunky somehow. The handle is also a bit thicker (although it’s L3 on both) than the one on the pro staff 97 v13, which adds to the feeling of clunkiness.

    The pro staff v13 has a bit crispier feel. I do like that there isn’t any dampening tech on either racquet. I feel like the six one 100 has certain similar traits with the RF97 autograph. You have to relax and just let the racquet go. I can swing more aggressively with the pro staff v13. The six one 100 feels heavier than it is and it hasn’t the same level of control as the pro staff 97 v13. Cannot explain why. May have something to do with the 100 sq. inch head size.

    I may switch in the end because the six one 100 feels a bit more arm friendly, but if anyone has a suggestion for a racquet with no dampening technology (i.e. with a crisp, unmuted feel), 60-65 RA, around 320-330 sw and a 97-98 sq inch head size (basically a less stiff pro staff v13 or a blade 98 without dampening tech) I’m all ears.


  3. Looks interesting if you want to customize it a bit. It should have been a bit heavier to deserve the Six.One name.

    The 64 RA is perfect tho.

  4. ES.

    I think you might like Mantis Pro 310 lll. Stiffness of 66 unstrung, but feels plush. I have it strung with Toalson Devil Spin. (I live in Japan, and understand this string isn’t available abroad)

    I’d put Solinco hyper-g 1.25 at around 48-50ish pounds. Good spin, good control, maneuverable yet stable, and old school graphite made. No gimmicks.

  5. Yes Jonas.
    I got a hold of it after i read ur review.

    For me, Mantis feels like a better version of Head Youtek Radical Pro. Stiffer yet somehow more controlled and comfortable. (I compared both, face to face.) Its EXACT same head shape. Same “head rectangular” grip. The mains are also exactly same, while the difference is Mantis beam thickness is lovely 19ish mm vs 21.5 for Head, the ballance is 315mm vs 320 for Head, and THE CROSSES on Mantis are more open vs Head.


    Both, Mantis Pro 310 III, and old Head Youtek Radical Pro are beautiful rackets that deserve much more credit in this “new age tennis”.


  6. ES,
    Blade Pro I feel like plays like a pro staff with bigger sweet spot. You could also try a softer string, I have a friend who loves pro staff with monogut zx pro.

  7. ES. If you are willing to add a bit of lead, you need to demo the Wilson Ultra Tour Pro 97. They are the closest thing to a RF97 with a softer frame flex. If you want even more control, then opt for the Ultra pro 18×20 or the budget-minded Wilson Ultra Tour which can be had for $99.

  8. Michal
    Are you a mindreader? I was just looking at a Head Radical Pro, not the youtek variant but the one from 2021…but still :) I’ll check out Mantis Pro 310 lll.

  9. Rick
    I think they play quite differently, especially with regards to stiffness and swing weight. I agree with you about the sweet spot though.

  10. Mark

    Thanks for the recommendation, but it’s too difficult to get a hold of the Wilson pro racquets when you live in Europe (like I do). Wilson only ships to US and UK.

  11. Received the PS Six.One 100 yesterday. I currently play with the Clash Pro 100, and wanted something with a bit more control (really love the comfort and power/spin of the Clash, but sometimes balls just spray out of nowhere). Interestingly, the Six.One 100 is heavier than the Clash Pro even though specs have the Clash Pro 5 grams heavier. Specs strung with the same string (4G 1.25), overgrip and dampener are 331g for the Six.One 100 and 328g for the Clash Pro. I played a match yesterday and I was surprised how well I was serving with the Six.One; that area is not a strength for me but I could put good pace on the ball and was more accurate. I struggled a bit with my groundstrokes, probably need more time getting familiar with it. I have a modern game with heavy topspin on both wings and was having some issues hitting a clean ball with my normal mechanics. I found out that really relaxing the arm and a more flatter swing would put a heavy pace on the ball. Playing doubles today and will give it another try. Must say it’s one of the best looking racquets out there for what it’s worth. LOL

  12. €125,- @ Tennis-Point Europe now.
    After having read these owners’ reviews I may find it hard to ignore it at that price.

  13. What I wanted to ask ES and RICO; what’s the paint job finish on this one? The finish looks satiny to me. Did they use normal paint, or the ‘velvet’ finish of the 97?
    How do you assess the paint job and QC in general so far?

  14. @Es/Eric. I experienced some of what you described. Try using techifibre x1biphase at 57 lbs. I have found the overall feel and control to be as good at the 97 and a bit more forgiving. I am 66 years old and 4.5 player.

  15. I m very curious about this.
    305 grams and 64 RA.
    i’ve been wondering why wilson had not produced a Prostaff with these specs…still, i’m surprised at the 100 head size!

    Regarding your interest for suggestions Erik:
    After i injured my arm last year, i went though many rackets trying to find a more flexible version of the Prostaff 97L…i settled on the Dunlop CX 200.

    Eager to try this one out!

  16. I use the head graphene 360+ prestige pro. I love the control, precision and stability. I dislike the small sweet spot when defending, volleying. I dislike that it’s a bit too heavy and not maneuverable. I just used the wilson pro staff 100 v13 and it has the same precision, control and stability with a lighter, more maneuverable, more forgiving frame.

  17. Hey just noticed it’s back in stock in Europe, I wonder what the story is… as it disappeared from their website and seemed like it never existed?!?
    I’ve played with it and I love it

  18. How friendly would this be on the arm? I broke my elbow 5 years ago, and while it’s good now and no pain when I play, it would be nice to “help it out a little” with a racquet that can flex a little (I understand that strings play a factor in this also).

  19. Hi! What do tou think about the new prostaffs? I play with ncode sixone 95 and like it alot. Now at 53 i am looking for something with bigger headsize. 97 or 100 what do you think is the best. Dont want too ligt swingweight. About 328 would be greate. When will you review them. Br Jens

Jonas Eriksson

Jonas has been known as "tennis nerd" mainly for his obsessing about racquets and gear. Plays this beautiful sport almost every day.