One of the most anticipated among classic racquet enthusiasts is the Prince Phantom Pro 93P. A thin, box beam racquet with a 93 sq inch racquet head, and an RA of 61 is a tennis nerd’s dream on paper. But how does it play? Let us hope I can give you an idea with this Prince Phantom Pro 93P racquet review.
I really enjoyed the Prince Phantom Pro 100P (read my review here) so I was very excited to do this Prince Phantom Pro 93P racquet review. I remember thinking I would have loved the feel of that racquet even more in a 95 sq inch head size, so I was happy when they announced they would release the 93 sq inch version! There are not many 93 sq inch racquets out on the market these days, so I think Prince made a gutsy move here. And after testing this racquet for a while I have to say it was the right one too.
In my Angell Custom TC 90 racquet review I pointed out that although the racquet was great, it was definitely more suited for attacking players with solid technique. The sweet spot is simply too small for hanging around on the baseline and trading strokes with heavy top spin hitters. The Prince Phantom Pro 93P shares some of the characteristics with the Angell Custom TC 90. The sweet spot however is definitely bigger, which makes it more versatile and easier to generate top spin with.
Prince Phantom Pro 93P Racquet Review – Specs
(Image from Prince Tennis)
When you look at the specs of the Prince Phantom Pro 93P, you wonder if the 18×20 string pattern will make it difficult to produce top spin with the racquet. But maybe the head shape helps out because I find the racquet relatively easy to use also for top spin shots. The launch angle however is rather low so compared to my 100 sq inch Soft Drive I needed to create a bit more lift on my shots. That is natural for tight pattern, smaller head size racquets though.
What impressed me with the Prince Phantom Pro 100P also impressed me with the 93P. The feel and performance on slice shots, volleys and serves was great. The thin beam just comes through the air so easily and I do not think I have served more aces from the get-go with a racquet. Pure Drive included. You really feel you can be creative with this racquet and if you need to hit with full gas, you get pinpoint control.
Prince Phantom Pro 93P Racquet Review – Performance
It took me a few minutes to get dialed in with the Prince Phantom Pro 93P, but when I did I really loved stepping in and hitting the ball full-on and still getting it to land in. This racquet is, despite its smaller head size, a decent all-rounder. I felt like I could really move the ball around, slice and dice, attack the net, caress a drop shot or go for winners. The feel of this racquet is, like so many racquets from the Prince line, simply excellent!
It is not a racquet that is easy to use, but if you like the so called “player racquets”, this is one of the finest released in the last five years for sure. HEAD used to be the brand that led the field of low-powered racquets for advanced level players. After the introduction of Graphene they moved more towards Babolat, and kind of ended up in the middle. With the Textreme Phantom series it seems Prince are not afraid of taking a proper step into this territory, and I applaud them for that.
Regarding stability I have felt no need to add any lead tape to this frame. The swing weight, the static weight, the balance – everything works for this racquet. It felt good just to be able to go out and play without any customization whatsoever.
Prince Phantom Pro 93P Racquet Review – Who is it for?
The Prince Phantom Pro 93P is definitely a racquet better suited for advanced players. The small head size and thin beam does not produce a lot of free power. You need to have full strokes and be relatively confident about your technique to properly enjoy this stick. But if you have the game for it, this racquet can make you feel like Grigor Dimitrov (who also plays a 93 sq inch racquet).
I felt like as long as I stayed focused, moved my feet and attacked the ball, I was a hundred percent connected to the 93P. Although, the racquet did not offer me as much help when I was playing defence, digging balls of out the corner or trying to find a winner from “nowhereland”. So for hitting from the baseline I still get more spin and power from my customized Soft Drives, but on touch shots and volleys the Prince 93P is hard to beat.
What surprised me the most is how well I served with this racquet. Maybe the thin beam and small head size makes it easier for me to snap down on the ball to create more racquet head speed. I also felt like I could place the ball on a dime. I am really impressed with the control of this racquet! It is so good it makes me wonder, am I really a control racquet guy anyway?
If you buy a racquet from our friends at All Things Tennis, you will get 5% off and a free string upgrade if you use the code: TENNISNERD at checkout.
Prince Phantom Pro 93P Racquet Review – Video review
What do you think of the Prince Phantom Pro 93P? Please comment below!
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Thanks for update on this one! I know that it is not the right place on your blog for that question – but I will try. Why have you stopped using TGT231.3 (Microgel Radical MP 16×19)? And what would you recommend to people looking for this frame – from the current offer of prostocks and retail rackets?
Good question! I think the Prince Textreme Tour 95 with some lead tape plays quite similar. You could also try an Angell TC 95 16×19 RA 63.
It was a while since I used that racquet, it was actually (Marin Cilic’s racquet), but I guess I found something else :)
Hope this helps! Cheers / J
hello. how does the hand feel after hitting with the raquet. because it has some 350g in weight?
Okay, thanks for feedback on leaving TGK231.3. I’ve heard that Marin Cilic stopped using this frame most recently – however not sure if the source is reliable.
So the questions regarding Phantom Pro 93P – could you compare the feel of the racket to recent years’ Mid classic – IG Prestige Mid (291.2)?
The IG Prestige Mid is also an excellent racquet. The head size of that racquet is 89,5 sq inches since HEAD used to measure the outside of the racquet and not the inside like most other racquet companies. So the IG Mid has great feel, even more plush than the Prince in my opinion, but a much smaller sweet spot and less spin. I think the Phantom Pro 93P is easier to use than IG Mid so I would choose that one over the two. Cheers / Jonas
Hi Florin,
I feel fine! It is quite head light and so fast through the air so personally I did not notice any fatigue. However, I am used to heavy sticks so that makes a difference. But definitely easier to swing than the weight suggests. Also arm-friendly. Regards / J
How much smaller do you think the sweet spot is compared to the Phantom Pro 100P?
I thought it was 30% smaller even though the 93P fits just within the frame of the PP100P.
Also surprised you didn’t think the PP100P sliced and did topspin better…also thought it volleyed better. Totally agree w/ you on the 93P’s serving ability though :-)
Hard to say, the 93P just felt so much faster to swing and that’s why I liked it more I guess. Feel was quite similar, sweet spot bigger in the 100P for sure…
Thanks for the review. How does the 93P compare to Textreme Tour 95?
I would say they are quite close in feel. The 93P is faster through the air, but the stiffness is about the same. I think the 93P actually packs a bit more power (not sure how!), but you have more room to customize with the Tour 95. Really difficult question because I like these racquets a LOT! Cheers / Jonas
Great review.
I transitioned from the Yonex DR 98, a great racquet in its own right, to the Phantom 93 P and couldn’t be happier as it suits my game so much better.
I have bought 2, with a 3rd on order + additional grommets as I have the feeling this stick won’t be around for long, being at the opposite end of the spectrum to what people buy these days.
I am by no means a great player – 4.0 to 4.5 at (absolute) best – but have classic strokes (eastern grips, OHBH) and an offensive game, which are well suited to this type of frame.
Out of curiosity, what was your string set-up when you played this racquet?
Hi, mate! Kudos to u for the website, luv yr work!
Have u ever played around while stringing? Interesting idea I came up with, don’t know if others do this. I love me some classic feel. Currently biting my nails thinking about getting a 93P. I play with the classic 6.1 anniv edition., which i string 16:18, not the 18:20. Find it works great. What do u think about the idea on the 93P? Too soft already? Thx 4 yr reply
Hi Uros,
Thanks a lot! I have played around a little bit and I think leaving out strings like you suggest on tighter patterns can yield interesting results!
The 93P is quite soft, but I think you would get more spin by trying to open up the string pattern. However, the head shape is quite round so I am not sure it would work as good as with the Six One 95. Let me know if you decide to try however!
I have one that is barely used for sale in grip 4 if you are interested. Just send an email to
Cheers / Jonas
Hi, how would you compare this to TC95 16×19 (63 RA) in terms of launch angle in particular. Would one be able to switch back and forth without much adjustment?
Yes, the launch is quite similar to the TC95. Would not be a huge adjustment to switch, depending on the weight of your TC95. However, I would recommend choosing one of these racquets and committing to it if you want to improve your results as a tennis player.
Cheers / Jonas
I just got a RF97 Autograph racquet, but I feel that it’s too much power, too stiff for my arm and just a little bit too much to swing. I prefer to play with poly only and not hybrid to compensate for stiffness.
Maybe the 93P would be better? What would you say? Originally I am/was using the Blade 98 18×20 2015.
Thanks in advance
Yeah, the RF97A is a LOT to swing. I love the 93P so I suggest you give that a try!
Hi Jonas,
Will you review the 14×18 version of this racquet?
I just bought it, and think you might find it quite interesting. A bit more pop, ease of play, and spin in the same control oriented frame.
Hi Boris,
Yes, I will! Not exactly sure when, but I hope to test it soon. Cheers / Jonas
Thanks Jonas,
I have written a quick review of that frame on Talk Tennis forum, comparing my initial impressions vs. the Phantom Pro 100P and the 18×20 93P.
I’d be really interested to see if you’ve had a similar experience once you’ve had a hit with it.
Hi Boris,
Nice! I am waiting for mine and I am really curious to play with it.
If you ever want to write a review for Tennisnerd (I can’t offer any payment at the moment but perhaps one day). Let me know.
Regards / Jonas
Hi Jonas,
I am very honored by the offer, thank you.
I don’t try that many racquets, but perhaps I can elaborate on my impressions of the 3 Prince Phantoms I have been playing with, if it would be useful for people who hesitate between them. And I would be doing this for fun, so no worries about having to pay.
I am travelling now, and will be back home only in a few weeks. I will give you a shout when I am back.
Happy tennis.
Hi Boris,
Sounds good! Could be interesting. Happy tennis and traveling! Cheers / J
Hello, do you remember how this compares to Textreme Tour 95 (2015), in terms of comfort, feel and control?
Hi Win,
I think this one plays more stable and is still faster through the air. The TT 95 needed some lead tape to shine.
Cheers / Jonas
PS. If you feel like my advice is really useful, please consider becoming a patron for $2 at and get exclusive content every week. DS.
Hurry up on that 14×18 review! TW has them on sale for $119! ?
You mean this one?
By any chance do you still have this racket and would like to sell it for a nice price? :)
Hi Goncalo, sorry sold a long time ago. / J