Jarry’s racquet

Written by: Jonas Eriksson | May 19, 2024

Nicolas Jarry is playing the best tennis of his life at the moment. But what is Jarry’s racquet?

Nicolas Jarry is, at the time of writing, in the final of the Rome Masters ATP Tournament against Alexander Zverev. Jarry is currently ranked at 24 in the world, but the potential is visibly higher than that.

The Chilean power player is 28 years of age, just over two meters tall (6’7″) and weighs 90 kg. He turned pro in 2014 and is coached by ex-pro Juan Ignacio Chela and Cesar Fabregas.

Jarry is an aggressive player who serves big, takes cuts at the ball and likes to come into the net and volley. He moves very well for his height and has proven to be a threat on all surfaces.

But let’s get into Jarry’s racquet.

Nicolas Jarry’s racquet of choice

Wilson Blade 98 V9 16/19
Wilson Blade 98 V9 16/19 Racquet Review

According to a Chilean Davis Cup team stringer, Jarry was previously playing a Wilson H19 16/19 (this mold can be bought as an Ultra Pro) but has since then switched to a Wilson Blade Pro Stock with an 18/20 string pattern. It is painted to look like the new Blade 98 V9, but there is likely something else underneath the cosmetic.

If you search the Tennis Warehouse forums, you find that he allegedly uses the following unstrung specifications of his Blade 98:

Weight: 323 grams (add approx 20g for strings)
Balance: 32 cm (6 pts HL, add 1 cm with strings)
Swing weight: 320 (add 30 pts with strings)

He uses an L4 grip size.

Jarry strings his Blade 98 with Luxilon 4G. We are unaware of the tension at this moment.

You can purchase the new Wilson Blade 98 V9 from Tennis WarehouseTennis Warehouse Europe and Tennis Only or at Wilson.com. Please beware that Jarry is using another version of the Blade than V9, but they play fairly similarly across generations.

Do you think Jarry can make some damage at the French Open 2024?

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Jonas Eriksson

Jonas has been known as "tennis nerd" mainly for his obsessing about racquets and gear. Plays this beautiful sport almost every day.