I did a Q&A with my Instagram followers of @tennisnerdinstaย and I made it into a podcast. I hope you like it!
I get a lot of questions daily on my various platforms and I don’t really have time to deal with them all. Doing it in a podcast format is hopefully a good way to collect and answer to them.
If you have questions for my next Q&A podcast, please put them below!
Some of the questions I deal with in this podcast:
I was asked about:
- Rafa’s and Roger’s retirements
- What to do about tennis elbow
- What do I think about Kyrgios US Open statement
- What are some good budget poly strings?
- Will I ever settle on a racquet?
- What are good 97-98 sq inch racquets in the 305-310g weight range?
And more!
You can listen below. If you find the podcast or any other content I create here on Tennisnerd or YouTube interesting, please share it with your friends! I appreciate each and every one of you.