Wilson Ultra with Countervail

Written by: Jonas Eriksson | July 18, 2017

It’s soon time for Wilson to release the Countervail edition of their Wilson Ultra series (you know, the blue one) and speculations are afoot on the forums whether the Wilson Ultra Tour will be a H19.

So what is a H19 and why am I writing this gibberish? The H19 is Wilson’s copy of the legendary Head Pro Tour 630 (280 in the US), called PT57A in pro stock racquet (what is a pro stock racquet? – Read here) terminology and has not been easily available to the racquet buying population for more than 20 years. Now the talk goes that the Wilson Ultra Tour will be this flexible and great frame in a black and blue paint job.

I think it sounds far-fetched that Wilson will release a frame with a RA below 60 in 2017 when most racquets hover around in the high 60s in stiffness and the racquet industry is increasingly trying to give you more power without killing your elbow (with so-and-so success). But I would be one of the early adopters if they did and I would personally applaud them for the guts to do it. How it would affect their sales – I have no idea. I think flexible racquets are a hard sell these days and I have myself ventured over to the dark side with the Babolat Pure Strike 16×19 strung with a hybrid of Ytex Square-X and Babolat natural gutย (plays great, but might be too expensive to use on a regular basis with the price of the natural gut).

When will Wilson release the new Wilson Ultra with Countervail? I would guess around US Open which is kind of their slam (official sponsor).

What do you think of the Wilson Ultra Countervail design?ย Peter Figasinskiย has been involved in the design of this racquet and it follows the nice and clean style of the other Countervail racquets from Wilson, but with the Ultra blue colour. I personally think it is a massive improvement over the previous Ultra design.

Would you buy the Wilson Ultra Tour if it was a H19? Would the flex scare you?

Below you have an image from the ATP tournament in Umag of next generation player Borna Coric holding his H19 (in the Wilson Ultra Tour paintjob).

If you want to shop for the Wilson Ultra Tour or other tennis racquets, check out these affiliated retailers:

Racquet Depot
Pro Direct Tennis

Tennis Express
Do It Tennis

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Jonas Eriksson

Jonas has been known as "tennis nerd" mainly for his obsessing about racquets and gear. Plays this beautiful sport almost every day.