Babolat Pure Drives – Tour, Plus, Lite, 107 and 110

Written by: Jonas Eriksson | January 8, 2018

I’ve played and reviewed the Pure Drive a few months ago and now Babolat has broadened the Pure Drive series with a few more options such as the Pure Drive Tour, Lite, Plus, as well as 107 and 110.

The key Pure Drive ingredient has always been power and there’s no difference in these new editions. Let’s have a quick look at them:

Technologies present in all new Pure Drives

FSI Power technology – wider string spacing for more spin (creates a higher launch angle).
Pure Cortex dampening – supposed to dampen shock to the arm.

Babolat Pure Drive Tour

This used to be called the Pure Drive Roddick and is a 15 grams heavier version of the Pure Drive. It’s supposed to give you more stability, even more power and a higher swing weight. You can of course also just add lead tape to your standard Pure Drive because otherwise there’s not a big difference in performance between the two.

Babolat Pure Drive Plus

The standard Pure Drive in extended length (27.5 inches / 69.85 cm). What do you get with a longer racquet? More power, higher swingweight and better reach. Will be slightly tougher to handle however.

Babolat Pure Drive Tour Plus

What do you get if you combine the Tour and the Plus? The Babolat Pure Drive Tour Plus of course! This is the most ATP tour friendly version of the new Pure Drives with a healthy swingweight of 328 and a strung weight of 331 grams and the extended length of 27.5 inches – this is sure to pack a massive punch! You need to be able to handle the extra weight and length however.

Babolat Pure Drive Lite

If you like the idea of the Pure Drive but prefer a very light racquet, the Pure Drive Lite with its 285 grams strung won’t fail to disappoint. This has a lower stiffness rating than the standard Pure Drive, has close to an even balance and might be interesting for also more advanced players with a leather grip, silicone in the handle and some lead tape in the hoop. Otherwise this is more of a beginner style racquet.

Babolat Pure Drive 107

If you want a bigger head size and sweet spot, the slightly extended (27.2 inches) Pure Drive 107 can come in handy. With a stiffness of 69 RA, a strung weight of 303 grams and a swing weight of 310 it could also be suitable for customization or be a great racquet for beginners.

The reviews are in

Judging from the reviews, the Babolat Pure Drive Tour Plus seems to have wowed the TW play-testers quite a bit as rather manoeuvrable (for extended length) and not “crazy-powerful” modern frame. I hope I get the chance to try this frame as well to see if I like it better than the standard version of the Babolat Pure Drive. You can see my review of that racquet below.

And here is my video review of the standard edition of the new Babolat Pure Drive:

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Jonas Eriksson

Jonas has been known as "tennis nerd" mainly for his obsessing about racquets and gear. Plays this beautiful sport almost every day.