Tennis rackets for sale
Latest in Tennis rackets for sale
Do You Need a New Racquet?
Something in your game feels off, you’re not happy with your recent results and one of your key shots isn’t working as it should. Do you need a new racquet? The question is that most of the time you don’t, but it’s damn fun to buy one. A lot of the time, the money we […]
Tennis racquets for sale
I play-test a lot of racquets and usually do not put a lot of wear on them. So this is your chance TO FIND SOME NICE TENNIS RACQUETS FOR SALE AT A GOOD PRICE. Do not hesitate to ask questions about any of them. Personal TennisNerd stuff for sale: All prices are somewhat negotiable if […]
Racquets for Sale
Got two sets of racquets for sale so if you’re interested – send me an e-mail at First pic is 2 Babolat Aero Storm Tour. Super popular racquet on tour (Troicki, Janowicz, Sock, Bolelli, etc). A more control-oriented Aero Pro Drive that weighs 320 grams unstrung. I have two with new grommets but some […]