Rafael Nadal’s racquet

Latest in Rafael Nadal’s racquet

Nadal’s new racquet (and haircut)

Written by: Jonas Eriksson |

There has been pictures posted online about Rafael Nadal’s new haircut and lots of speculation around a hair transplant of some kind since he’s had a few visible bald spots for quite a while. I would put this topic in the category of: “Who the eff cares?” When you see Nadal swinging a blacked-out Head-shaped […]

Is a pro stock racquet better than a retail one?

Written by: Jonas Eriksson |

This is a typical question I would get from players beginning to grow an interest in tennis racquets. This question as well as what is the difference between a pro stock tennis racquet and a retail one? The answer to this question is essentially: no, a pro stock racquet is not better than a retail […]

What is so great about the AeroPro Drive Original?

Written by: Jonas Eriksson |

This is a true icon among racquet nerds. But what is so great about the AeroPro Drive Original? I wish we could ask Rafa Nadal. What is so great about the AeroPro Drive Original? I’ve been wondering this question for quite a while. After all, this is the racquet Rafael Nadal still plays with, despite […]