Henrik’s recent racquet switch (podcast)

Written by: Jonas Eriksson | June 15, 2023

In this episode of the Tennisnerd podcast, we discuss our recent trip with Adidas to Paris. And also about Henrik’s recent racquet switch and much more.

Henrik’s recent racquet switch

Many of you have already seen or heard my previous podcasts with Davis Cup stringer and Swedish Tennis Magazine reporter, Henrik Wallensten. We do a semi-regular segment of the Tennisnerd podcast called “Racquet talk”, which seems quite popular among fellow tennis nerds. You can see some time stamps below and you will be able to watch the video on YouTube or listen to the podcast on your favorite platforms like Spotify and iTunes. Please subscribe to the podcast if you like it, it helps a lot.


Racquet talk podcast with Henrik Wallensten

00:00 Intro, our trip to Paris and Alcaraz
07:35 Tennis is still in good shape, but could try…
17:20 Talking to Team Adidas about shoes and more
22:25 The importance of consumer-centric thinking
28:20 Racquet addiction and new racquet for Henrik
34:13 Tips for demoing racquets and quality control issues
37:15 The importance of swing weight and SW machines
41:30 Upcoming tournaments and travel
47:00 Henrik likes to get at least 4 racquets
49:22 The racquet shapes your game
55:30 The HEAD grip shape is…
58:40 Tips on testing and choosing a racquet

How to support the Tennisnerd podcast

The Tennisnerd podcast is growing, and we have some interesting new guests in the coming weeks. We still need your help in spreading the podcast to keep getting good guests, so please subscribe and/or share it with your tennis friends.

For financial support, you can join Patreon (free 7-day trial) or check out the digital products in the Tennisnerd store.

Every little piece of support, whether it is money o just subscribing, helps! So big thanks.

I hope you like this episode and the upcoming ones.

Ideas for guests and topics are very welcome in the comments below!

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Jonas Eriksson

Jonas has been known as "tennis nerd" mainly for his obsessing about racquets and gear. Plays this beautiful sport almost every day.