
Latest in Vlog

The Mallorca Country Club

Written by: Jonas Eriksson |

I was fortunate to visit the Mallorca Country Club, a spectacular tennis venue on the beautiful island of Mallorca, Spain. Besides playing on three surfaces in 2 hours, I also got a tour of the beautiful club from director Marie Walketseder. They pretty much have everything there for the tennis nerd. 12 tennis courts (6 […]

What racquet do I use today?

Written by: Jonas Eriksson |

The title: “What racquet do I use today?” is for two reasons: I have lots of racquets but I wanted to tell you what racquet I use the most. Choosing a tennis racquet is not easy. I know many of you who follow my struggle with this, as do I. It’s one of the reasons, […]

How do you find a tennis partner?

Written by: Jonas Eriksson |

Tonight I am publishing a vlog about the importance of playing with different players. How do you find a tennis partner? To grow as a tennis player, it’s important to play with different players to get challenged by various spins, velocities, playing styles, and levels. But how do you find a tennis partner? It’s a […]

Novak Djokovic wins Wimbledon

Written by: Jonas Eriksson |

Novak Djokovic wins Wimbledon 2021 and his 20th grand slam title. I think with this result, he also pretty much kills the GOAT debate. I made a video before Wimbledon about the tiresome GOAT debate. I think they’re all GOATs in a way, but to be fair, Novak is the most successful male tennis player […]

Wimbledon 2021 Daily Vlog – Day 4: Results and Predictions

Written by: Jonas Eriksson |

Like I’ve talked about in a previous post I do a Wimbledon 2021 Daily Vlog covering my commentary around results and predictions. A Wimbledon 2021 daily vlog is not my usual type of content, but I thought it would be fun to cover the event really closely this year because it is the most prestigious […]

Wimbledon 2021 Results and Predictions – Daily Vlogs

Written by: Jonas Eriksson |

This year I am challenging myself to create Wimbledon 2021 Results and Predictions in the format of daily vlogs. I am a bonafide tennis nerd and I think it’s likely that you are too. My nerdism doesn’t only stretch to racquets and gear, but pretty much all aspects of the sport. From mental strength to […]

The Best Racquets for Doubles

Written by: Jonas Eriksson |

I got a suggestion for a video on YouTube: What racquets should you use for doubles tennis? So without further ado here are the best racquets for doubles. Some play doubles occasionally, some never play doubles, and some only play doubles. I belong to the category that seldom plays it because I prefer the physicality […]

Things to know about tennis racquets

Written by: Jonas Eriksson |

I wanted to create a series of videos on the topic: Things to know about tennis racquets. This one deals with weight, swing weight & balance. Why I lumped them together into one video called “Things to know about tennis racquets” is because I often get the question: if the weight and balance of my […]

New vlog about Classic Racquets

Written by: Jonas Eriksson |

Let’s look at some of my recent racquet acquisitions in my new vlog about Classic Racquets. What’s a classic to you? The definition of a classic racquet is perhaps a bit loose, but I think a “classic” is a racquet that has stood the test of time and can be enjoyed today and compete with […]

Is this racquet garbage?

Written by: Jonas Eriksson |

I sometimes get comments on my YouTube reviews where players call certain racquets “garbage”. I wanted to make a vlog about it. Can a racquet be garbage? Yes, well, there are some really bad racquets out there, but they’re rarely the top-end models made by well-known manufacturers, which is mainly what I review on YouTube. […]