Yonex Ai 98 review

Latest in Yonex Ai 98 review

Racquet review: Yonex DR 98

Written by: Jonas Eriksson |

One of the highest reviewed tennis racquets on Tennis Warehouse and Tennis Express is the Yonex DR 98 with some play-testers calling it “one of the best tennis racquets they’ve ever reviewed”. I really enjoyed the Yonex Ai 98 (still have four of those although I mainly play with the Tecnifibre 315 ATP Ltd 16×19) and I […]

Yonex Ai 98 review

Written by: Jonas Eriksson |

Maybe the word “review” is not a fair statement when I’ve only played the stick a few hours, but here are my first impressions of the highly reviewed Yonex Ai 98. First of all, it’s very easy to get used to. It moves briskly through the air and is still remarkably arm-friendly which I don’t find […]

Testing Yonex Ai 98

Written by: Jonas Eriksson |

A lot of players choose their racquets based Tennis Warehouse reviews. This is not a stupid idea, since I think their reviews are usually quite spot on, but it’s obviously a good idea to test the racquet yourself before you commit to a particular model. After all, a new tennis racquet isn’t cheap. If you […]