Wilson Six.One Tour BLX

Latest in Wilson Six.One Tour BLX

Roger Federers’ Racquet

Written by: Jonas Eriksson |

It seems like a lot of people are interested in what the pro’s play. They think, if the racquet is good for the top players in the world, it should be good for them, right? Wrong. It’s only in rare occurrences that an amateur player would benefit from using a pro racquet, since they are heavier and […]

What Tennis Racket Should I Buy?

Written by: Jonas Eriksson |

I have played with and play-tested loads of tennis rackets. Everything from lightweight Babolats to heavy-headed Wilsons to the beloved Dunlop 4D 300 Tour I play with now. It takes a while before you find where you’re most comfortable. Here is a little guide to rackets – going through different characteristics. You can buy them all from […]

The Wilson BLX Series

Written by: Jonas Eriksson |

I have playtested a couple of rackets from the Wilson BLX line lately and here is a brief description and review of the Wilson Six.One Tour BLX, Wilson Six.One 95 BLX, Wilson Pro Tour BLX, and Wilson K-Blade Tour BLX. BLX is the update from the K-factor series and essentially means they have included Basalt […]

Federer’s racket, Wilson Six.One Tour BLX

Written by: Jonas Eriksson |

Being a huge fan of Federer and his fluid, cat-like movement, and his liquid-whip forehand, I of course wanted to play with the same racket as him. So I went out and ordered the Wilson K-factor (the previous technology, now it is BLX) Six.One. On the first hit I noticed several things. The racket is […]