Wilson Pro Staff 85
Latest in Wilson Pro Staff 85
Magic Made in Austria – the PT57A
There is lot of talk on tennis forums and among racquetholics and tennis nerds that the “holy grail” of racquets is the Head Pro Tour 630, known as PT57A in pro stock lingo. Is it really magic? As I wrote in a previous post, I recently acquired a PT57A XL in a iPrestige MP paint […]
PT57A vs H19 – New racquets to test
I’ve just acquired some extra racquets to test alongside the Wilson Pro Staff RF 85 and the Pro Staff CV 97. It’s a Wilson H19 and a PT57A! Good times for a racquet nerd! I posted a pic and survey on my Instagram account yesterday between the HEAD PT57A and the Wilson H19 pro stock […]
Wilson Pro Staff RF 85
Yes, it’s coming – Wilson is relaunching the legendary Pro Staff 85 in a new paint job called Wilson Pro Staff RF 85. It is arguably one of the best feeling racquets of all time. Why is Wilson doing this? Well, they are listening to the fans who have been wanting this release for a […]
Guess the racquet – Sampras edition
It’s time to play a game. What racquet is 14-time grand slam champion Pete Sampras holding in the picture? As you might know, Sampras played a heavily leaded-up Wilson Pro Staff 85 (St Vincent) for most of his career, but the above pic is clearly not that racquet!