Volkl tennis racquets

Latest in Volkl tennis racquets

Volkl Tennis Racquets

Written by: Jonas Eriksson |

I thought it would be interesting to delve into some lesser known brands and first off is the German ski manufacturer Volkl (Völkl) who once created the still great Volkl C10 Pro. Volkl has been a bit of a “background” brand in the tennis history but they do make high quality products. I was a […]

Nicolas Almagro’s Racquet

Written by: Jonas Eriksson |

A lot of people are probably wondering what the hard-hitting Spaniard Nicolas Almagro is playing with. It’s not a Wilson, Head or Babolat so what can it be? Almagro has actually recently changed his racquet from a Dunlop 500 Tour to a Volkl Powerbridge 10 MP with a 16×19 string pattern under paint job of a Volkl […]