tennis racquet reviews
Latest in tennis racquet reviews
Angell K7 Red Racquet Review
The Angell K7 Red is something completely new from Angell Tennis – 98 sq inch frame that is not a part of the Angell Custom program, but tailored towards a broader audience. This is the Angell K7 Red racquet review. If we look at the specs of the Angell K7 Red we can see that […]
Prince Phantom Pro 100P Review
Here is the complete review of the brilliant and bold racquet from Prince called the Prince Phantom Pro 100P. Something as rare these days as a flexible players’ racquet. The Prince Phantom Pro 100P comes in a setup feating a box beam, razor-thin CTS beam which goes from a thin 16mm in the shaft (for feel) […]
Play-testing Period – Prince Phantom Pro, Babolat Pure Drive Tour Plus
My game is all over the place right now since I’m in a period where I’m play-testing a bunch of racquets: the Prince Phantom Pro 100P, the Babolat Pure Drive Tour Plus and the Angell K7 Red. And there are other racquets on my wish-list to try, especially the Tecnifibre Tflash 300 PS and the […]
Prince Phantom Pro 100P Review: First impressions
One highly anticipated racquet for tennis nerds is the Prince Phantom Pro 100P and I’m lucky to currently be play-testing one. Here are my first impressions after the first couple of hours of play. The Prince Phantom Pro 100P is something so rare these days like a box beam, sub 60 RA racquet and I […]
The Journey Continues – the Perfect Racquet
One moment you feel like you’ve found the one – that special racquet that you want to stock up on and treasure forever. Then it suddenly “fails you” and a new one comes around… As my loyal readers know I play-test and hit a lot of racquets in a year. This is kind of counter-productive […]