tennis rackets
Latest in tennis rackets
The Book of Tennis Rackets – Siegfried Kuebler
There is a legendary book for tennis racquet collectors covering everything in tennis racquet development until the 90s. It’s called The Book of Tennis Rackets and is written by Siegfried Kuebler. The Book of Tennis Rackets is really the work of a diligent and knowledgeable collector and it also comes with two addendums to cover […]
Updated: Racquets for sale
I have the following models for sale at good prices: message if you’re interested. Used: Wilson Pro Staff Classic 6.1. Grip 3. 35 euro + shipping. Brand new: Wilson BLX Pro Tour. Grip 3. 60 euro + shipping. Wilson BLX Blade Tour. Grip 4. 60 euro + shipping. Wilson BLX Pro Staff 90. Grip 4. 60 euro + […]
Tennis rackets worth buying part 1
A great racket and some good strings will improve your game, no question about it. People that say that the equipment has nothing to do with it are lying. It doesn’t have everything to do with it, but you want to give yourself the best odds to win, right? I have experienced with countless of […]