TC 95 racquet review

Latest in TC 95 racquet review

Angell TC 95 Racquet Review

Written by: Jonas Eriksson |

Here is my Angell TC 95 racquet review. My Angell TC 95 specs: 18×20, 320 grams, 31,5 cm balance, 63 RA unstrung. I had it strung with MSV CO-FOCUS 1.18 at 23 kg and weighted it up to 350 grams and 32,3 cm balance for better plow-through. But tried both specs. I have been using […]

Angell TC 95 Custom: First Impressions

Written by: Jonas Eriksson |

I’ve had my first hit with the Angell TC 95 18×20 (320 grams, 31,5 cm balance, 63 RA unstrung / strung with MSV CO-FOCUS 1.18 at 23 kg) and here are some early thoughts. Lots of racquetholics and people in the tennis community has raved about the Angell TC 95 and as you know I […]