kids tennis rackets

Latest in kids tennis rackets

Tennis Racquets for Juniors

Written by: Jonas Eriksson |

Buying a tennis racquet for your kid(s) can be a confusing experience. What brand of racquet to buy? Which size should it be? Can he/she handle the weight? Tennis racquets come in various shapes and sizes. Also adults can try playing with extended racquets up to 28 inches for extra reach for example and there […]

Tennis Racquets for Kids

Written by: Jonas Eriksson |

Updated 5th October 2024We get a lot of questions about the right tennis racquets for kids. We will give you some guidelines to follow below. In terms of tennis balls for kids, it is best to follow this progression: Kids and juniors should play with different balls until they turn around 12-13 years old (depending […]