Jack Sock tennis racquet
Latest in Jack Sock tennis racquet
Jack Sock Tennis Racquet
Written by: Jonas Eriksson |
Jack Sock has made huge strides in the 2017 season and is now ranked in the top ten on the rankings. What racquet and strings does he use? Jack Sock uses the Babolat Aero Storm VS Tour, sometimes in a Stars and Stripes paint job. The Babolat Aero Storm VS Tour is not the easiest racquet […]
Babolat Pure Aero VS Tour
Written by: Jonas Eriksson |
Tennis racquet names can twist your head at times. And they keep getting longer too. We had all gotten used to the Babolat Aero Pro line before Babolat decided to unify their bestsellers under the “Pure” series. So Rafael Nadal is now endorsing the Babolat Pure Aero (read about Rafa’s real racquet here). But then […]