dunlop 4D 300 Tour

Latest in dunlop 4D 300 Tour

What Tennis Racket Should I Buy?

Written by: Jonas Eriksson |

I have played with and play-tested loads of tennis rackets. Everything from lightweight Babolats to heavy-headed Wilsons to the beloved Dunlop 4D 300 Tour I play with now. It takes a while before you find where you’re most comfortable. Here is a little guide to rackets – going through different characteristics. You can buy them all from […]

Time For a New Tennis Racket?

Written by: Jonas Eriksson |

We all love to buy stuff. New rackets, new strings, new shoes, in our hope to become better players. You favorite player  moved to Head, why shouldn’t you? Why not put a little leadteap on it, buy lighter shoes, a new shirt might do the trick? Or maybe that extra kilo in the frame stringing […]

Tennis rackets worth buying part 1

Written by: Jonas Eriksson |

A great racket and some good strings will improve your game, no question about it. People that say that the equipment has nothing to do with it are lying. It doesn’t have everything to do with it, but you want to give yourself the best odds to win, right? I have experienced with countless of […]